Saturday, November 14, 2009

A Boa

July 2009
There was a commotion outside and across where I live. When I stepped outside, I noticed some men were in pursuit of something. I did not hesitate to ask and I was informed that they are looking for a snake that was spotted earlier in the area. Based on their description, it seems that what they’re looking for is a (sawa) boa constrictor. According to two witnesses, the circumference of the reptile can be compared to the size of a bamboo cannon (the kind they used during Christmas). The length is about two to three arms length. The other witness said it can be compared to the size of a grown man’s thigh.
The information caught me by surprise because the vicinity in which they saw the boa is the usual place I tread everyday at 3 o’clock in the morning when I go to work. The thing could have been lurking in the weeds each time I pass, or perhaps I am plain lucky our paths haven’t crossed yet. Shivers run down my spine when I realized that I am just 2 inches away from the weeds the whole time I traverse the entire path. Scary.
It has been a month now since the sighting incident and thank God I haven’t encountered it yet and pray that I will never meet it anyway.

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