Saturday, November 14, 2009


General Aviation Road. I always pass this area every 3:00 A.M. on my way to work for nearly four years now. One of my favorite area is the curve, (it's the only area where the road forms an awkward "S" curve). I usually don't follow the road's curve especially at this hour when you're the only road user. I just head straight and that's where the excitement is. It's a sort of a blind curve an poses danger to both vehicles coming from opposite directions. The road is so dark that when you turn off all your car's lights, you are in total darkness. The whole general aviation road area used to be unlit until recently when its airport was rated as one of the most dangerous airport in the world, that's where they started improving their perimeter fence and made sure all the lamp post along the road outside the perimeter fence was lit.

Some say the area is haunted. My friend told me once that he came from Cebu City on board a taxi. He was seated beside the driver. Upon passing the area he thought he saw a silhouette in the back seat. He wanted to dismiss the thought but when his eyes and the cab driver's eyes met, the driver had a terrified look and said "have you seen what i saw?". My friend replied "yes!". The driver abruptly stopped the cab and screamed, they both left the cab in a hurry and ran towards any available lit area.

I find this story foolish. This is a stereotype scenario of a funny-horror story in most films. I asked my friend "why did you stop the cab and ran?" He replied " we would surely panic and overturn the car if we had proceeded" sounds logical but hard to believe. Although once I've seen SUV lying in the side in the area, only, but I'm sure it is not related to this issue. I was also told that a phantom would usually cross the street causing the driver to panic and swerve the wheel abruptly. If my friend and his friends who heard the same story are reading this, well, the story will not sell dude!

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