Wednesday, November 11, 2009

On Call Center Agents

I just finished writing a Cebuano song for my entry to the 30th Cebu Popular Music Festival. I started writing this particular song two years ago but I came to a dead end. I was looking for more credible, first hand, crazy idea of what an inbound call center is all about because I had an outbound call center experience. I need to know how those inbound guys are doing. I’ve been reading a lot of jokes about the nature of their job description but it did not satisfy my requirements to complete the song.
I was going over a copy of BITE magazine which I got from our lobby front desk, and read a few facts about call center agents…hmmm, a bit of help. A few weeks later somebody forwarded me an email featuring an article from Philippine Inquirer written by a certain “Pamela”. Pamela described in her article the reality of a call center agents' life. This article gave me more jigsaw puzzle parts to fit in to for the song . The result would give the listeners a chance to take a glimpse in their imagination how call center agents are. I am just trying to portray a call center agent’s social relevance to the society. Songwriting-wise, the subject is not a strong winning piece (for a Cebu Pop songwriting) as this can be categorized as a novelty song. I would like to reiterate that the lyrics are in the Cebuano dialect.

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