When my personal transportation breaks down, or when I feel like conserving gas, my regular means of transportation from LapuLapu to Cebu City is by v-hire. It is a collective fully air-conditioned passenger van, carrying 19 passengers including the driver. Most of them have really good air-conditioning units but through the years, entered into a state of decline. Lack of maintenance and negligence of operator is the main reason. If you are unlucky to be on board one of this kind, on a hot day, you’d be like in a sauna, sweating your armpits off.
Considering that they force four people to a seating capacity of three is a form of torment. Imagine yourself rubbing bodies with people you don’t know. Some fall asleep on your shoulder with their saliva drooling down your shirt. In some case, your ribs get elbowed by your stranger seat mate.
The most annoying part is when one of those young passengers turns on his cellular phone music without connecting it to their headsets and let their lousy, out of this world music fill the limited air while the vehicle is in motion. Are they serious? Aren’t they aware that what they are doing is noise pollution?
Far worse are those morons talking to their phones in an extra modulated LOUD voice. No matter how hard you try to close your senses, you can still hear that person talking gossip and nonsense. I’m sure they knew that you can just talk normally on the phone and the person at the other end of the line can hear you clearly. They can also cover the mouthpiece with their hand and speak normally. That’s a radio telephony rule-of-the-thumb. Perhaps phone companies could add that information to their list of phone ethics.
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